Monday 14 January 2013

Salma Hayek brings her Globes to the Golden Whatevers

If there ever comes a day when Salma Hayek loses her looks, it will be one of the saddest days in history. Luckily, I'm starting to doubt that will ever happen. Hayek appeared at 70th Annual Golden Globes yesterday looking (to put it in respectful terms) hot as all hell. I didn't even notice the awkward moment when the teleprompter stopped working while she presented with Paul Rudd (one of the many technical screw-ups of the evening). I was too busy getting lost in her sparkly boobage, hoping they'd never cut away. There were plenty of other gorgeous actresses at the show, but Salma stuck out (literally) for some reason. I've always personally been a huge fan of Hayek's bedazzling beauty, since she rarely disappoints at events like this. Dive on in, folks!

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