Saturday 26 January 2013

Gemma Arterton works her boob magic like witchcraft at the Hansel and Gretel premiere

Right now, I can think of two reasons to go see HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS this weekend, and they both belong to the lovely Gemma Arterton. This girl seems to be getting more gorgeous by the minute. Everybody wanted a photo taken with Gemma at the premiere of the film. She's even got Jeremy Renner blushing like a virgin on prom night who still can't believe how smokin' hot his date is. I may have mentioned before that my crush on Emma started when I accidentally fell asleep in front of the TV and woke up to her daisy duke-clad ass in TAMARA DREWE. Love at first sight, I tells ya. Basically, what I'm saying is Gemma looks damned delicious. I'd sure like to get her baked and eat her if you know what I mean...

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