I wonder sometimes if these fashion magazines would follow through with their goofy photo spreads if someone like myself were to come around and sum up the theme they've proposed and really made them think about what they're doing before they do it. Case in point, whatever this is with Kate Upton for the pages of V Magazine. Does anyone buy a magazine just to see Kate get harassed by some skinny guy in a hotel room? Who the hell are they trying to appeal to here? Are they trying to sell something with this imagery? Is the tagline "buy this dress or this bra and weird-looking guys will stalk you in hallways and come into your room at night and try to fondle you?" I will give them credit for remembering to include some nice shots of her cleavage amidst their goofiness. Probably no way to get out of that though. Ample titty content is most likely a standard part of her contract. And bless her for that.
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